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Dear all,

I am looking for some indonesian relatives/family.
may be, I may tell the part of the story, I know and someone finds a link to this part of my family. I would be very happy, if I could find a trace, so please do not hesitate to answer this request. Ok, the story, I know is:

The uncle of my grandmother was Viktor Rupp. He went to Indonesia (I guess as a Dutch soldier or whatever). May be, he changed his name in Indonesia to Roep or Roepp (I am not sure). He married an Indonesian woman there (Sara or Lara Tuvera or Juvera?). I posess a pic showing him, age 56 with his wife, the parents of his wife and his daughters (only daughters). This photo was made by a photographer in Sulawesi. The photographers branches were in makassar (Ujung Pandang) and Monado (Manado). as much as I know from my visit in Sulawesi, I guess, it must have been the Manado branch of the photographer, where the photo was made. the date of the photo should be around 1910 or 1920.

Viktor Rupp was born around 1870. at the time of 1910 or 1920 he had 4 daughters: Wilhelmina, Marie, Nelly, Annie.
There is another pic, I have, showing his daughter nelly and her son. This photo was probably made around 1930 and on the back says, it’s nelly with thomas William Manuhutu. I suppose, this photo was made in the area of surabaya and I suppose that nelly must have married a Manuhutu and gave birth to her son William Thomas probably around 1925 to 1927.

I tryed to find realtives in Indonesia, especially in sulawesi several times during travelling, but no one could really help me. I hope that one of the members here possibly knows about this part of my family. I would be very grateful to receive any information that could help me to identify this part of my family history. if you know anything abotu this story, please e mail to maumere@freenet.de

Thanks a lot,